Taking The Leap.

Last year, I was gifted this beautiful Yashica 12 medium format camera as a Christmas gift from my partner. She wanted to start me off on my film journey right, and I couldn’t think of a camera build that was more suited for me than a TLR (Twin Lens Reflex).

The 1:1 ratio on this body took some getting used to as I typically enjoy shooting in 16:9 and 3:2 with digital. My entire approach to framing shots has been challenged in a way that I welcome wholeheartedly.

In a way I skipped a step by going straight for medium format and not 35mm, but I figured it would all be the same general principles:

  • Measure your light

  • Dial in your settings

  • Take your time composing

  • Capture

Eventually I did splurge and buy myself a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 to fill in that 35mm void, and it’s been a beautiful experience seeing the differences between medium format and 35mm beyond negative size. I’ll be sure to share even more of this journey with you all through my ever expanding and changing portfolio.

Film is where I live right now. If someone were to tell me that I can no longer use my Sony a7Rii for photography, I’d be perfectly okay with that. I want to learn all of the intricacies of this medium and understand why it can never truly be matched. Hopefully you all join me in the different stages of discovery.

"Sometimes I arrive just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter."

-Ansel Adams